
Psychotherapy, The Wild Atlantic Way
Joanne Hanrahan
Corporate Workshops
Joanne Hanrahan is a Psychotherapist and Trauma Specialist based in Ireland. With internationally recognised training and expertise, she regularly provides workshops in the Corporate, Education and Healthcare Sectors. She was recently invited by one of her corporate clients to expand the provision of workshops to their employees across the UK, Europe and Asia. Her approach to Corporate Workshops is to strive towards the development of ‘Trauma Informed’ organisations, enhanced employee wellbeing and increased empathy, understanding and true inclusion in the workplace. Below is a video interview with one of her corporate clients where she talks about wellbeing in the context of the future of work.
Academic Speaking Engagements
Living by the sea on Ireland's 'Wild Atlantic Way', Joanne's awareness of the therapeutic value of nature in terms of her own psychological process inspired her to explore the role Nature can play in Psychotherapy through a Master's thesis. She has presented her research findings at the Irish Association of Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy (IAHIP) Conference. She has also also facilitated a workshop on the topic at an International Psychotherapy Conference at the Eden Project in the UK and more recently delivered Keynotes at the 2018 and 2019 CONFER Ireland Conferences at Glendalough. Additionally, she regularly facilitates Mental Health & Wellbeing workshops for schools in the Limerick and Clare region as well as CPD for mental health professionals and Public Talks.

Katy's Korner Interview : Extreme Networks

I Offer Custom Training and Workshops for Companies and Groups. Recent workshop topics included.
A Trauma Informed Approach in Schools
Building Teamwork post COVID
Empathy & Managing Anxiety in the Workplace
Work Related Stress & Mindfulness Strategies
Working from Home & Trauma Informed Lens
Impact of Gender Stereotypes in the Workplace
Understanding Mental Health, Narrative, and Coping Strategies
Wellbeing In Times of Uncertainty
Workshop Clients Include

Sample Participant Feedback From Corporate Workshops
"The topic was very relevant and well delivered. it provoked lots of thoughts for me. Interaction with attendees at the start really brought people into the talk early on so that was really good"
"I found it personally very relevant, interesting and easy to follow. Made me take time to put mindfulness in perspective and made me aware of things I can do to help me"
"The easy going, casual style the talk was given in - made people feel comfortable when talking about a topic that can make some feel very uncomfortable."
"Displaying Empathy towards another person was very well explained - the breakout setting was invaluable in order for people to put into use Empathy towards a work colleague and test the waters displaying vulnerability"
I" really enjoyed the group conversation and the guided grounding exercise"
"Probably the best session we've had with you. I really got a lot out of it."
"It helped me put into context the feelings I have had over the last twelve months as well as provide a timely reminder of good regulation strategies!"
I enjoyed "the tips provided that I can start applying right away"
"Meeting people and seeing that other people have the same feelings and thoughts that I have from time to time. It also felt like a trusted open space in the rooms and was really enjoyable to open up and chat. "
"I love the breakout rooms. It good to know that I'm not the only person who is anxious about returning to "normality", but most people are."
"I really enjoyed the sensory part of the exercises, smelling the leaves and feeling the rocks and of course tasting the chocolate."
I enjoyed the "Relaxed atmosphere. Practical suggestions. Didn't feel textbook"
"It was a very insightful session, great to breakout with random people Learned we are all vulnerable in so many different ways and it is all ok!!"
"An insight into others feelings of vulnerability and that mine are the same. We all fear change, presentations and not being listened too. It is good to talk things through."
"Good presentation. Informative & interesting subject matter. Approachable speaker. Practical exercises"
"I am fascinated with how Joanne is able to collate, share and relate so well as to how we feel in various situations when anxiety kicks in during tough times. Listening to Joanne speaking is very soothing to me. She has provided a lot of useful information and suggestions to improve our everyday hectic/isolated lives we now live in. I like that the session comprises of small group of people and we get to share our thoughts well "
"I liked the format very much and found it beneficial. Nice to take some time out to look at how we can manage the situation when things can often be hectic or we don't put it as a priority."
"I found the segment on TRUST very interesting and learned that Conflict is Clear Communication & not necessarily a bad thing! I recognize that I am not good at showing vulnerability!"
"I liked the feeling to togetherness - the theme was really appropriate. The breakouts are especially useful and the length of time was just right"
Recent Workshops
Team Development Post COVID


“Let go of who you think you're supposed to be; embrace who you are." - Brené Brown